I will help you understand the condition of the vessel, enabling you to decide whether it is the right purchase for you. This will depend on many factors including whether you are looking for a ‘project’ or something in a suitable condition, in which to take your family sailing immediately. The surveyor may find issues that the seller is unaware of.
The surveyor will provide a detailed report of the condition of the vessel, but this will generally not include things like soft furnishings or cosmetic items that do not affect the structural integrity of the boat.
The surveyor may identify faults that the boat owner will not be aware of, possibly using specialist equipment. Knowledge of faults and deterioration can assist the purchaser regarding the rectification of defects or appropriate allowances.
The full condition report will give brief details identifying the craft - name, type of construction, year of build, registration number if applicable - and will outline the extent and limitations of the inspection. This is followed by a full description of the inspection carried out and any defects found, together with graded recommendations identifying when action is needed – this may, for instance, be immediately for safety reasons, at winterisation, or cosmetic.
To insure and/or secure finance on a boat you have purchased you should be able to use the pre-purchase survey. If you decide not to have a pre-purchase survey you may still need an insurance survey, so it is generally worth having a survey done to cover all eventualities.